Income report to NAV (NAV 08-30.01)

Employers must submit an income report when the employee is going to receive sickness benefit,  parental benefit, pregnancy benefit or benefits in connection with sick children or other family members.

NAV has launched a new report for sickness benefits
Use the new solution if you have received a notice from NAV to submit an income report. That means you submit the income report by logging on to

Read more about the new income report sickness benefits


Send income notification for sickness benefits via

Send income notification via

(applies to parental allowance, maternity allowance or benefits in case of a sick child or close relative, or when you cannot use the income statement on

About this form

• In connection with parental leave, the income report must be submitted at the first opportunity once there are only four weeks left until the start of the employee's parental benefit period. If the employee starts the benefit period by postponing the parental benefit period, it is the first day of the postponement period that must be entered in the income report as the start date of the parental benefit period.

• In connection with sickness absence, the income report must be submitted as soon as the employer's obligation period expires.

The income report applies to the following benefits from NAV:
• Sickness benefit
• Parental benefit
• Pregnancy benefit
• Care benefit
• Attendance allowance
• Training allowance

The income report should be reported on the company number (enterprise number).

To use this service, you must have one of the following accesses in Altinn:
• Responsible auditor
• Payroll and HR employee
• Accountant salary
• Accountant with signing rights
• Accountant without signing rights
• Audit employee
• Contact person NUF

There is more information and an overview of all the Altinn roles here.

You can see which roles you have on your profile page Profil. If you do not have the required Altinn access, you must get someone who has the role to delegate it to you.

If you are unfamiliar with reporting via Altinn, see the help pages.

Section 1 of the Regulation relating to electronic submission of information to the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) is authorised pursuant to section 21-4 of the National Insurance Act. It enters into force on 1 January 2019.

Contact information:

NAV Contact center +47 55 55 33 36.

Open contact form